Jaltest ETM

Jaltest ETM is the complementary equipment to the Jaltest diagnostic tool that allows you to verify the operation of the different electronic modules present in commercial vehicles.

This module can check the components in an isolated way, establishing communication with them, as if it were a control unit, confirming whether these elements are really damaged or, on the contrary, the fault is in associated elements as wiring, control unit, etc.

Jaltest ETM module covers a great number of EBS electronic modules (Wabco first, second and third generations, Knorr second and third generations or Knorr trailer control modules), ABS/EBS inductive wheel speed sensors and brake pads wearing sensors.


The equipment of this new tool consists of a hardcase that comprises the different elements necessary for diagnosis.

  1. ETM interface
  2. Diagnosis Software
  3. Diagnosis cables for :
  • EBS Modulators.
  • ABS/EBS inductive wheel speed sensors.
  • Brake pads wearing sensors.




ETM is a JalTest software additional module used to verify the EBS brake modules of commercial vehicles. Just as with Jaltest, it is a dynamic tool that is continually evolving, that is why it will be updated three times per year.

How to use it

ETM is able to check components independently, communicating with them as if they were a control unit and verifying whether these elements are really damaged or if the problem lies in associated elements such as cables, control unit, etc.


Jaltest ETM module covers a great number of EBS electronic modules (Wabco first, second and third generations, Knorr second and third generations or Knorr trailer control modules), ABS / EBS inductive wheel speed sensors and brake pads wearing sensors.